Sunday, December 14, 2008


Hello, sorry I have not writen for two days. On Friday we went to see the blue man group with family. Then on saturday I was sick and I was out and about going to football games and parties.  Anyway, the blue man group was very cool, I highly recommend it.  Then we went to the Hard Rock Cafe at citywalk in Universal.  Then on saturday Wes and Owen had a football game.  Then. . . . I went to a birthday party that was at volocity sports. It has an indoor football feild, basketball courts and a batting cage. Then I had to go to my church to do sound, after that I walked over to a Christmas party in a friends neighborhood.  I stayed there for a little bit then my dad picked me up and we went home.  And here I am now, sick, tired, and home alone. Well I need to rest now so see ya!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

December 11, 2008

Today was a day of rushing to get ready for school, eating breakfast, getting dressed (not that I wasn't dressed before) and trying to get everybody in the car before eight thirty.  Things looked like I was going to be there at a decent time, but then my mom said she forgot something and so we had to go back.  After another boring day of school (except for the snowball fight in science),  I went to owen's football practice because I am assistant coach (my dad is normal coach. . . .Lucky!) After a long practice of trying to get the kids to HAND OFF THE BALL! we went to go get some pizza before we went to watch a football game.  When we got back home I lost my ipod touch for the night and here I am now, so thats all that happened today, bye!    

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Never Mind

Sorry about that last post. I was going to quit but then my dad said that he liked my writing so I decided to start back up again (miss me?!). So for now on I will be writing about my life. That is why I changed my tittle to "The life of a reader". I will just be talking about my life and all the weird things that my family and friends do.  So I will just start out with today. Today I woke up around eight fifty, pretended I was asleep a couple times when mom came in and played on my iPod for a little bit. Then I got up and did my normal things, such as complain about school, get mad at my brother, eat breakfest, all the normal things.  Then I started school, worked, and worked, and worked until it was done. Then I had to start a paper that was due Tuesday!  So I wrote a page of that and finally I was done.  So I just hung out the rest of the day until dad came home.  Then we had dinner and sat down to play a nice game of yahtzee.  After Wesley tried to cheat a couple times I started to have fun.  I thought I was going to win but in the end I came in last place.  Well my mom is telling me to go to bed now. Bye!

no more posts!

sorry everybody but i am not doing any more posts because i do not a lot of time to do them!


good bye world :-(