Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Never Mind

Sorry about that last post. I was going to quit but then my dad said that he liked my writing so I decided to start back up again (miss me?!). So for now on I will be writing about my life. That is why I changed my tittle to "The life of a reader". I will just be talking about my life and all the weird things that my family and friends do.  So I will just start out with today. Today I woke up around eight fifty, pretended I was asleep a couple times when mom came in and played on my iPod for a little bit. Then I got up and did my normal things, such as complain about school, get mad at my brother, eat breakfest, all the normal things.  Then I started school, worked, and worked, and worked until it was done. Then I had to start a paper that was due Tuesday!  So I wrote a page of that and finally I was done.  So I just hung out the rest of the day until dad came home.  Then we had dinner and sat down to play a nice game of yahtzee.  After Wesley tried to cheat a couple times I started to have fun.  I thought I was going to win but in the end I came in last place.  Well my mom is telling me to go to bed now. Bye!


Aunt T said...

Awesome, I am glad you're back.

Beki@Prosac said...

Can't wait to read what you have to say. Your entires are always so enjoyable!

Unknown said...

HECK YES I MISSED YOU!!!!!! So glad your back. Say, have you ever played CatchPhrase? Its a lot of fun.

Zach said...

yes i have, it is really fun.